So we loaded Scupper in the car and off we went to our old stomping grounds, Herrington Harbor North in Deale, MD. We kept our boat Cadenza there for a couple of years and still know folks down there. It's a picturesque setting with slips for about 500 boats, huge haul out yard, plenty of storage area for boats for the winter, and lovely expanses of green grass, a pool and clubroom.
Ken checking out the utilities in Herrington Harbor North.
In the summertime they show outdoor movies on Saturday nights, and even have fresh popcorn. What a great way to see Master and Commander, with the smell of the ocean, the sound of the boats creaking as they moved up and down in the water, then suddenly the cannons exploding "BOOM!" What fun that evening was! We loved it!
Sadly we sold our boat at the beginning of 2009. We're hoping to get a catamaran one of these days soon. Cadenza was my husband's boat, custom built for him 24 years ago. We were already planning on getting a catamaran, and put it up for sale. In this economy we were lucky to sell her. But it was gut wrenching for both of us, but especially him.
While we wait for our ship to come in, literally in so many ways, we kayak and bicycle ride during the good months. But I am digressing. I was talking about the marina.
It was bittersweet walking around the marina. We miss living on or at least having a boat to go to on the weekends so much. It's a different lifestyle and one that is difficult to explain to landlubbers. There's a comraderie amongst sailors that you don't find in many areas of the country, especially where we live these days.
When living on a boat you have to be very independent, self-sufficient, and yet able to accept the help of your boating "neighbors" if you need it, and willing to help them if they need it. You often meet people for one or two days and never see them again but may keep in touch for years after via email and facebook.
Living onboard is very compact and complex. Your galley may only be 3 feet long by 1 foot deep. In some cases you count yourself lucky if you have any kind of rerigerator. Ours was this long narrow hole in the counter, but belive me we were delighted to have it. The "living room" (we call it a salon) was a warapround couch area with a big table in the center. That was it. But we could get 8 people cozy in the area and had many great dinners. Our cabin included tiny little closets, and a double bed with storage under it. The cockpit was our main party area. We often had 10 people sitting around laughing, enjoying a meal as we got to know each other.
Because there is such limited space on a boat you have to really plan out what groceries you will carry onboard, what dishes you have, what clothes you can keep, and what books will fit. You have to make sure to leave you room for the spare parts you may or may not need, the life jackets, the foul weather gear, etc.
YOU may be sitting there thinking to yourself that it doesn't sound like fun or a good life to you. But we love it. When we want to go somewhere, we pull in the lines or hoist the anchor, secure anything that could be knocked off, and away we go. Can you do that with your house? OK, if you live in a motor home yes, but you are still restricted to the roads. We got to sail away.
Watching another boat get ready to anchor in a small cove in chesapeake Bay.
We both love the water, the smell of the sea, the sounds of the sea birds, watching the sea life of all kinds. Sitting inland, driving by cow pastures and corn pretty as it can all be at times...just doesn't do it for me. There is no water with salt in our present neighborhood! OK time to quit whining...time to get back to baking!